Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Pictures

I have added some new pictures to the Flickr site - they're in a group titled November Pictures.




Becky said...

Hi Kathy,

I am coming to Providence Home this coming Friday, December 11th, for a preliminary visit as I hope to be a volunteer there for 3 months.

It was only 3 days before I left the UK that I was told about you and your blog by Adrian Bonwitt. It's a long tale which I won't bore you with now, but I was so pleased to know that you are based at PH.

I had so little information to go on about what I would be able to do once I got to P.H. and the set-up in general, that I felt relief that here was someone with experience, my age group, who could, hopefully, show me the ropes as a complete novice.

My background is in nursing, I'm retired, have 6 and a half grand children, and am affiliated to a charity called Mikwano. I have been to Uganda twice before but never to work. I am staying until mid-March. Initially, I am coming with my friend Jenny to do a recce, then when she returns to the UK on Dec 17th I am returning for good.

Hope you manage to get this message. I am currently staying in Kampala and have my laptop with me. My email address is 'brainybow@yahoo.co.uk' if you have time to send me a message. If not, I look forward to meeting you soon.
My blog is beckyrainbowinuganda.blogspot.com.

Best wishes,
Becky Rainbow.

doreen said...

Hi Kathy
I've been following your blog since I came back from PH in March(with the Uk optoms)
It's great to see how things are going there, and it brings back so many happy memories of our time there. A few things I don't miss, like the dust and the roads(!) but I will always remember the sisters and the children. Please say hello to them for me.
Hope you've had a great time in Egypt.

Happy New Year!!