Saturday, September 12, 2009

Trouble In Uganda - September 12, 2009

It's been an interesting two weeks since I came back - the Country Director had to leave, several other PCVs are leaving or strongly considering leaving (for various reasons)...but will get to that later. The BIG events of the past few days has been the unrest in Kampala and other cities. Apparently the President did not want the King of our region (Baganda) to go to a particular community ceremony. The President said it wasn't safe, but it may be that the King is getting too popular. Anyway, it created a great deal of anger in Baganda (central Uganda), and people started rioting. There were even some vehicles burned in Mukono! Most of the disturbances were in Kampala and about 7 people were killed.....lots of looting and burned vehicles they say. There are a LOT of unemployed young men in Kampala and I would guess it became a way for them to steal - along w. those genuinely mad about the treatment of their King.

PC ordered us to "stand fast" which means not leave our sites. People in Kampala who were just visiting had to all go to a Hotel and stay there (Thursday nite to at least Sat. nite). Maria was here visiting and we planned to go into Kampala Friday w. Holly, but those plans changed!!! We've just been hanging out and playing cards. There is NO problem in Nkokonjeru. We know the police well and talked to them yesterday - five officers sitting on the bench outside the police station on the main road - looked like Mayberry RFD! No problems here!!! Peace Corps called each of us to see if we felt unsafe - not in Nkokonjeru!!!

It's now Saturday and some matatus are running again (service was cancelled yesterday), and things are quieting down in Kampala we hear. It's hard to get information - most is on the Lugandan language radio stations (the President shut down several stations), and is sometimes sensationalized. We watched the news on the Sister's TV Thursday nite and there was no mention of the riots and no pictures - Sr. Goretti said that the President won't let them broadcast pictures because it could cause more trouble!!! (try that one in America!!!)

We did get excited for a bit and were wondering if we'd have to be evacuated (we all want to go home anyway), but it's over for now. Holly is going home THursday for a few weeks and she was worried about getting to the airport, but it appears that things will be back to "normal" on Monday.

Back to the week - it has really been crazy around here and we are sort of out of sorts - hard to concentrate. Learned that one of the PCVs who just returned from a trip home in August, had a "nervous breakdown" and is going to the US for psychiatric care. He's a great guy and it's really sad. We visited him at the hospital on Monday and he said it just hit him - he's in a really isolated site w/o water or electricity and hit a down cycle. Very scary!! There are several others who are deliberating whether to stay and most are really solid volunteers!!!

I'm having problems re-adjusting to Uganda again - the travel is always a problem but maybe the most frustratng is the trouble getting things done. I really want to get some things organized and make purchases w. the grant money, but I need Sister's permission to move forward and she's so busy it's hard. Didas went to Kampala to price shoemaking tools to purchase, but first we need to see what's in storage and Sister wants to go w. us to the storeroom and doesn't have time. It's hard not being in control (especailly for a control freak like myself!!).

Tuesday we had a staff meeting that took all morning!!! Not much decided either - everyone is frustrated w. the kids' behaviors (don't want to work, sneaking out, stealing - the usual) but it's hard to control w. such limited personnel!! Good news is it rained Tuesday (a long time) which was wonderful - it's been so hot and dusty. When we got back from Kampala Monday I took a bucket bath and the was in the basin I stand in looked like I'd mopped my floor - UGH! Looked today and some of our garden plants are up - now we need more rain tho'.

We have a new visitor. There is a 19 year old girl staying at Providence from Germany, named Jasemine. She'll be here for 3 months helping Nelson, the Occupational Therapist. Wednesday Nelson, Jasimine, Moses and I went out to a home to watch Moses make a seat for a child with Cerebral Palsy from cardboard, newspaper and cassava flour glue ("locally available materials") - part of his practicum. The Sisters were all gone and I had to go back because a new resident had come and I called Nelson to come too, because of problems - so we left her out there w. Moses who she didn't know and she handled it fine!!! She was gluing paper on the frame when we got back!

The Country Director who came about 6 months ago was removed from his post and returned to the U.S. this week, too. There was quite an uproar from some of the PCVs about wanting to know WHY he left, but don't think we'll ever know - some say it was political, some say he was too liberal. It's sort of all the same to me.....I do my job at PH and PC operates like a branch of the Federal Government - I don't get too involved. They say we'll get a new director soon -

So, less work done at PH than I'd like - seems like all the uproar has distracted me quite a bit. Also, now Maria is staying for a few days and we're just "hanging out"....It's REALLY hot in the afternoons and better to stay put! Holly leaves for home on Thursday - I'll really miss her calming influence! School starts Monday (still quite a few students not here, but we'll start anyway - it could be 3 weeks before everyone is back).....good to get into the old routine!

Tucker was one year old yesterday (9/11) year I'll be there for birthdays!!! I hope you all have a pleasant weekend - and week. Thanks again for all your kind wishes when I was home and for your constant support - seriously, I could not do it w/o you!!!

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