Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween! I'm a little off on my blogging - I'm planning to visit another PCV over the weekend - she was my roommate at the start of training - and I've never been to her site. Good excuse to see some new country - just staying Saturday nite, but thought I'd blog today as long as I'm in Mukono to use the internet! Sure miss it in Nkokonjeru! Got here really early and as I was doing e-mails, the cleaning lady pulled out the cable w. her mop!!!

Got back last Saturday in time to wash clothes and clean (hoping to do that again today, but it's pretty overcast - has been raining a LOT but thankfully few power outages!). One of the older girls stopped by for tea! It's always fun - they enjoy "all the sugar you can load in" in their tea!!!

Read the book The Road - about a father/son traveling after a nuclear holocaust (well years after)'s haunting - wonder how it is as a movie. I actually read it twice - it's short - the first time I went SO fast because it was creepy and then I re-read to catch the writing!!

Sunday Mass the Sisters sang a snappy tune I hadn't heard before - Refrain "If you trust and never doubt, God will surely bring you out...Take your burdens to the Lord in prayer"....good advice!

Sunday afternoon Holly and I went to a meeting w. Moses (our outreach worker) and his Community Health Workers (they were the ones in the first aid training class)....nice group of people! They said they are running out of supplies (gauze, bandaids...) but haven't charged for them like Holly advised - small amounts like a dime - so they could replenish! The recurrent problem of making projects self-sustaining! Still planning the Infant Nutrition Class later - the problem is re-education - many people grow crops but feed little children cassava (root crop) or matoke and no fruits or vegetables (like papaya or greens)....just not something they do! Little protein too, tho' beans are easy to grow as are ground nuts! Holly has an idea for a demonstration garden called "Three Sisters" - pole beans climbing up corn stalks and squash between the rows! Might ask this group to try some as a demonstration - also one growing greens and showing how to cook and serve to children.

Really into a reading jag - escapism?? Next read A Sunday by the Pool in Kigali. I'd wanted to read it since I went in 2006 and Shari had it. Holly is on her way to Rwanda w. some other PCVs right now!!! It's a fictional (based on actual) account of the '94 genocide - very graphic and awful!!!

Sunday nite, Moses called the mom of the little boy w. the sores AGAIN, told here we had the meds and she still said she had no money for transport! Well, she showed up Monday a.m.!!! She is really frustrating....not sure why I'm so hooked on this one-maybe because he's only 5 and is so miserable. Now to see if she gives them faithfully, since she didn't pay for them (it happens).

Had dinner Monday at Shari's - beef stir fry over chinese noodles - those girls are good cooks!!! Shari got beef from the butcher - the butchers have a stall on the road, open, with no refrigeration. They hang the meat on a hook in the open stall and will whack off a piece the size you want w. a machete!!! No special cuts!!!

Tuesday I had a very frustrating day - I'm really letting stuff get to me way too much! Kids didn't want to work for the Ag teacher on the gardens in the compound - even the wheelchair ones can pull weeds - and he wasn't making them - well, I did, after much nagging!!! New wheelbarrow was missing screws and no one bothered to try and fix it (I gave Vincent money to buy new screws and do it); the cow is out of feed earlier than expected (he's feeding it more than we'd allotted again - he said it was dropping production but he went gave a LOT more and now everything is out and milk buyers don't pay till the end of the's so hard to get people to think long term - say two weeks!!!). Our zuccini etc. has leaf mold again - darn - it looked so good!! And there was more than the usual amount of "begging" on Tuesday, too....there's always some - wanting money for something small, use of my phone, etc., maybe I was just annoyed at everything. We had a meeting about the cow Tuesday nite - set for 6 p.m. but actually happened at 9! Will try (once again) to get on track! I'll have to bail them out w. chicken feed money but his is (really) the last time!!! In November, it's self-supporting or the cow is hungry! I want the people here to develop their own solutions to problems, but it's just not in their nature to think "solution"! I've worked up an income/cost schedule and tried to explain it, but not sure I"m getting through.

Yesterday Holly and I went to a "Turn to Tea" event. The old man who was in Holly's 5K (he's 70?) and lost 9 children to HIV is starting an NGO to try to get people to drink tea rather than alcohol to prevent unsafe sex. He invited Holly as head of Project Hope and I just went along...nice gathering - lots of local dignitaries (and speeches). Someone from the New VIsion Newspaper was supposed to come since it's an entry in a contest for World Aids Day (Dec 1)...but they never did (he called them repeatedly and they kept saying "we're coming")....At 1 Holly left and then it started to RAIN - just sheets. At 2 I got a ride home w. the ex-mayor - after he got stuck in the road - he just kept spinning his wheels till he was mired. Some guys finally put banana leaves under the tires and pushed - like being on ice!!! I felt bad for the organizer, but he fell asleep in a chair on the porch after the rain started - no one gets angry or impatient!!! Amazing!!!

Jamie sent me the book Still Alice by Lisa Genova (I am reading a lot) is WAY scarier than The Road or By the Pool!!! It's about a 50 yr. old woman, Harvard College professor who gets early onset Alzheimers. Every time I forgot something I panicked!!! It's chilling! There were some lines that reminded me of how I feels sometimes (on bad days) about being in Uganda - not to be dramatic, but they fit (sometimes)....."I miss being sure of things. There's no peace being unsure of everything all the time. I miss doing everything easily. I miss being part of what's happening. I miss my life and my family".

Well, that was sad - lots of things are doing well. The chickens are great - we had to padlock their house after seeing one of the elderly men looking at them hungrily! We've sold 9 of 17 baby pigs (last group is just weaning). First mom was "serviced" again - finally, the male had something to do!! The cow went into heat, but the one guy in town who does insemination had his phone off (uncharged?) the entire 24 hours she was ready!!! Oh, well, try again! Still waiting to finish the banana tree holes and get those in before the rain stops - hate the thought of carrying water to 130 baby banana trees! Kids are progressing in school and Didas got 2 more shoe orders from Stella Maris - so, lots of good things, too!!! Sr. Juliet just called and she got a nice donation from the people from Florida to help out w. buying food for the kids - WOW!!! I have to try and get it at Western Union - don't have my passport with but do have my PC ID - hope that works!!!

Hope you have a Happy Halloween - Jasemine wants to get some pumpkins (they are green) and do some jack-o-lanterns - think we'll try!!! I like Halloween!!

Take care all - thanks again for the good wishes, prayers and thoughts. I'm looking forward to being away for a day - get a better perspective when I see others projects.

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