Friday, October 17, 2008

10-17-08 Happy Birthday to ME!

Well, guess what day today is?? Having a really good BD...spent the morning at Providence Home getting things organized for next week (we have a PC training and will be gone all next week - have to have enough chalk, etc. ready and get the tailoring class with enough to work on - I sort of dole things out so they don't waste so much!). Now I'm up at Shari's site, RASD, at the Internet Cafe (Shari's laptop) doing the blog and checking e-mails.

Got a lot of cards at the P.O. in Mukono yesterday and a GREAT pkg from the kids....some cute clothes, candy, AND lots of pictures and two CDs of the little kids.....I actually spent almost two hours reading letters and looking at things last nite. THANKS. Hope to see the CD tonite - when Shari brings her laptop home from the Internet Cafe - very busy piece of machinery!

Back to last week when I left off (not like this is some exciting serial story) funny matatu story, but a funny walking one. Last Sat. I was in Mukono and got a 4 l. (gallon +) can of blackboard paint (smallest size available). Then, at the P.O. I got two heavy boxes (one for me, one for Shari) my backpack had groceries. I was having trouble navigating to the taxi park and thought maybe I could get the paint into the backpack. It went in, but was so stuffed, the zipper opened just as I was bending down to pick up the two boxes - the paint rolled out, hit my head and bounced on the street! It was badly dented (from my head?) but thankfully didn't split. So, I continued on w. the two boxes in my arms and stopping every 50 feet to switch the paint to another hand so I didn't lose my fingers. Must have been a funny site!!

What is blackboard paint you ask? Real blackboards are really expensive here so people either use cement and charcoal, or tack up a piece of plywood and paint it w. blackboard paint. I've wanted to put a blackboard in the shoe making room because Didas never gets to use a classroom (always full)...but the local carpenter didn't know where to get plywood (didn't want to).....Finally, Didas went to Kampala himself and brought back a piece about 4' by 6' (on top of a matatu)...he's my hero! It's up and painted now and looks was quite a project. Sheet is not very nice and was 37,000 sh. ($23). The low table is done and it really works slick for Doreen to use from her wheelchair....can't believe it wasn't done before! Uganda is definitely not "disability sensitive".

Got back in time Sat. to help w. craft class..the kids are getting into the mat making. Some neat mats coming together.

Sunday Mass was special for the local schools' Test Takers - kids in S-4. To advance in Secondary they have to three weeks of tests in 10 subjects!! If you don't pass you can go to Vocational School or you're done. If you pass you can go on to S5 and S6 and maybe university. It's a LOT of pressure!

We had a huge thunderstorm Sunday a.m. - power went out (expected)'s been hotter and more humid - afternoons are uncomfortable,but still nice at nite. I worked on class preparation, but no copying or no computer - darn! Helped w. mat making and the little kids did coloring - quite the group working in the hall.

Monday a.m. I was reading my Bible at the table (6:30 a.m.) - power still out - and a big old bug dropped out of my window onto the table - I didn't think it was a cockroach but a big, slow praying mantis type thing - the screens have BIG holes! I didn't even get up! But, later saw it on the floor and it was a cockroach - and I got up fast and DOOMed it!! Ugh, I hate cockroaches.

We had a fun English class - did vocabulary words on land forms (mountain, river, etc) and I had them use markers to draw a landscape and label at least five terms. Most just wanted to copy my sample but a few had real artistic talent!

Took some of the girls down to the market in the afternoon to get stuff for the tailoring some material and a charcoal iron (you put hot coals in the bottom and use it - quite heavy and really does a nice job). Still have a little left from Anne's donation to the Tailoring group - we're using it carefully! We had to get some more palm fronds too for mat making - the girls seemed to have fun shopping - girls' nite out.

Tueday a.m. Sr. Juliet took over the Agriculture class and they started some garden plots right in the middle of the compound so everyone can participate....she is really happiest digging and growing. I had gotten some seeds in Kampala and also gave them the ones I brought and some I got from Jessica - they aren't sure what radishes are, but they are willing to try!!!

At CBR we spent our "free" time - when there are no clients - trying to decide what direction we're going to go - no real consensus but lots of good ideas. The guys really like doing the outreach, and I'm O.K. w. that, but instead of trying to always refer people for surgery, want them to work on what people can do at home (exercises, etc.) and how they can help families integrate the disabled into their communities. Moses' niece (the little 7 year old w. the bad burns) died Saturday at the hospital in Kampala - very had been almost 6 weeks.

Moses and I continued our argument about Barack Obama being an African - the lineage here is patriarchial.....I keep saying he's an AMERICAN!

Power was back on at 2:00 but not time to make copies of worksheets for Math so I had to punt - not my strong suit. They are amazingly patient!

I got some more baskets for sale at church from the women's shop - neat patterns I thought. The women really appreciate the sales. Weds. was a much slower day - actually kind of nice. Kassuli is working with Nelson's kids and doing a great job! I alternated between classrooms just checking on everyone. Typed up my notes for a possible small grant for some vocational school equipment. Sr. J is going to a workshop and she said that will give her time to finally read all the stuff she needs to edit (including the website narrative - did I every say that Gail and China are working on a PH website - - it's still a work in progress, but nice to have it there).

In the afternoon Sr. J took me and Sr. Sara to see the property PH owns that she'd like to clear for gardens, growing corn for animals and an animal area - shed and grazing area. It was quite a way and the sun was HOT. Went into "the bush"as they say - reminded me of the woods at Grandmas w. lots fewer trees - lots of brush and weeds. We stopped to talk to an old woman in her home - she was excited to see a muzungu - they always thingk we're around to give out money!! Sorry!

Had a really nice dinner w. Holly and Shari and some other guests - pumpkin (squash) soup, biscuits and salad - great food, good company - they are good cooks!!! Holly is still training for the hoping to bike along Sat. when she goes for a 16 mile run. She's really dedicated.

Thursday's English class went well - maybe I am getting the hang of this. Had a short story about farming and made copies for everyone w. questions. Did vocabulary words first and went REALLY slow and helped them w. the answers - but it went well!!! Told the kids Holly and I wouldn't be around at all next week for classes and they seemed genuinely sad - guess we are amusing!! Kind of nice to know they will miss us.

Holly and I went to Mukono to the P.O. and had a good lunch at a local restaurant....fried chicken,chips (fries) and Pepsi - good!!! Had dinner w. Shari and Holly again - there's a guy from the UC Davis group that's still traveling around Africa and he's here for a bit and he made beef terriyaki - very good. Meat twice in one day - what will my stomach think!. I contributed pineapple and red licorice - I'm such a cook!

Nice day today and the girls are making me a special dinner - fajitas! They are really trying to make my BD special and I appreciate it a lot!!

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. We get lots of news about the economy and the election (pretty skewed tho' I think). Holly actually got up Thursday at 4 a.m. to listen to the debate. I got my absentee ballot Thursday and think I'm more excited to vote for the school referendum and for Gail for School Board than the Presidential election. Since it's so late I'll have to take it to the Embassy next week to get it back on time....but it's exciting to vote from here!

Take care - hope you are enjoying the fall. When I talked to Corky on Monday he said it was getting cold - and asked how I heat my apt. Well, heat is not necessary!!! Everything is relative!

Waiting for Curt and Jamie (or Corky) to call with their new little they are waiting too!!!

Monday was Corky's BD - and the local bunch was going to Basil's in Northfield for pizza - I'm jealous!!!