Am in Mukono to use the internet cafe to scan and send some documents for Sister and thought I'd blog - not a lot of news, but it's handy!
Got back last Friday from Kampala and had power, propane for my hot plate (Sister and Sula -driver- delivered my new tank)....and Newsweeks and Messengers from Anne - good evening!!!
Last Friday while I was in Kampala the Bookkeeping teacher came (yea) but the kids didn't get the key for the classroom (it was in a basket in the sister's house)....they said they tried but it wasn't there (it was)! So, no class - classic case of "The Man With The Key Has Gone"!!! I had left chalk w. Doreen (if i leave it in the room it gets stolen), but not my key since there is a spare. On Monday a.m. I taught English, then went w. Sister to Kampala. So, the room was open but the 2nd Year Sewing Class couldn't find the key to the cabinet w. supplies - so no sewing (it was also in the basket in the Sister's house). Today I left my copies of both keys w. Jenifer!
Saturday I washed and cleaned - did some typing and class preparation - could make copies (YEA). I wanted to talk to Fred about finished the piggery but he hasn't been around when I am. Am I the only one getting frustrated? (answer, of course, is yes). In the evening we gave the elderly the sheets and blankets from the St. John Women of the Church -they were very grateful. Their rooms are concrete and about 10' by 6' - one single bed and a the new bedding really brightened up the place!!!
On Sunday I went to nearby Kisoga for Visiting Day at St. Balikudembe's Secondary School where Josephine attends. She was thrilled to have a visitor and I took some sugar, cookies, soap, TP, juice etc. She doesn't get any family help so it was much appreciated. We sat in on some of the presentations (songs, poetry, dancing -very good) - the theme was Violence against Women. It's a common problem in Uganda - very bad here in the out lying areas - maybe a combination of poverty, frustration and culture.
It's amazing how much joy you can spread here w. little $ - Saturday I bought six eggs for Anastasia (she's the girl w. HIV, Sickle Cell, Diabetes and now TB and is really thin)...she was craving eggs (the matron cooks them for her). She was so happy - cost me $.65!! Look out Bill Gates! Great quote from Plato in a Newsweek article - "Be Kind; Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"!
On Monday Sister J and I went to Kampala - from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Lots of stops to retrieve some medical records, check on orthopedic appliances being made at Katelemwa etc. Last stop was at the home of a "grandmother" of two of the boys in vocationalschool. Actually, she's a relative long removed, but one of the boys' parents are dead and the other is one of 10 children and the parents drink, so she sponsors them. Just a lovely lady - their children have all graduated from a university, one lives in the U.S. , one is a nun, one is studying for the priesthood in Spokane, U.S. They just have a simple "farm" w. a few animals and crops; we met the dad - he has a little tailoring shop in the nearby village....but they are so generous and just really lovely people!!! They are here!
Very busy this week - CBR is busier - we're taking a group to Katelemwa next Tuesday so Moses is "mobilizing" (rounding them up), working on the piggery (we wrote up a contract to completion that spells out what needs to be done, what materials will be provided and has a late penalty clause.....builder was somewhat stunned! He hasn't signed it and it may not work, but makes me feel better!),doing budgeting for next year, teaching school and chasing teachers, grant writing - it's all sort of crazy but the time goes fast. I never appreciate the slow days when I just sit and chat until I don't have them....we are an unhappy lot!! Never satisfied!! (anyway, I am)
Hope all is well...hear you've had some Spring Days - gives hope!!! Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers - it really means a lot!!! Some days I love it here and others I can't wait to leave. Missed Riley's 4th BD last Saturday which was sad (for me) - 2nd one missed!!! Many more in the months to come. But I keep busy and feel useful - and the kids are such fun!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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