Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday, March 13 - Past the 13 month mark!

Probably looking ahead to the end a this point is not a great way to look at things, but we now have 13 months in country - and 13 months to go (11 months at site) seems long sometimes, but at others it seems short! There is a group leaving in April, the first group we really got to know and it seems hard to see them go!!! We are already thinking about what we will do with all our "stuff" when we leave - give most away I'm sure.

I forgot last week to mention the U.K. eye workers organization - Sight 4 was a very quiet week w/o them!! Blog will be short (rejoice).

They gave me a great book "The Man With The Key is Gone" by Dr. Ian Clarke from No. Ireland who started Kiwoko Hospital in Luweero (we visited there in training) in the late's a very Christian perspective, but very funny in parts - esp. since I've been talking about jiggers, matatutus, frustrations etc. for the past 13 months....I think most will enjoy it!!! It was also a time when AIDS was a death sentence - must more hopeful today if people get tested and take ARVs!

Sunday, after the UK group left I washed, cleaned, did class prep for the week and re-grouped. One of the songs at Mass was "Take It To The Lord in Prayer" - seemed very appropirate - esp. when I am "tired and discouraged". It was International Day For Women, and the priest mentioned it but then went on to talk about Obedience (Abraham and Issac reading) and Suffering - think the Ugandan women have enough of obedience and suffering....they work SO hard. He also said that if a child turns out bad, it is the mother's fault! I don't think so!!! Had a welcome for the Holland girls in the p.m. They are really a fun group (3) to have around and play with the kids in the afternoon - the kids are loving it.

Had a slow week - lots of catch up to do after the eye clinic - classes went on as scheduled. Continuing fractions in Math and they "get" 1/2 of a circle, but have problems w. the concept of 1/2 of the class or 1/2 of the way to Mukono - difficulty seeing the abstract! Well, that's sort of concrete, but can't put it on the board!! At English on Thursday we were working on "Directions"...first tried mapping Nkokonjeru and giving directions but that was a really alien concept....they just say "over there" and give a head movement in the proper direction!!! Then we did a little science experiment following directions....that worked better! Still a learning process for me.

Pig shed is progressing....met again w. the builder and we need to get this stage done and then work on finishing the floor before the pigs can be bought and moved in. Apparently pigs try to root and "eat" the cement unless you put on a very strong finishing layer. Fred and I are going to a model farm nearby on Monday to check on their operation and pig varieties. This project has been such a learning experience - wish I had been more assertive at the start, but not sure it would have made much difference - the building is sound and looks good so that's a real plus! I think forcing the builder to have a plan and a set budget would have been a good learning experinece for him but not sure the outcome would have been much different!

Holly hosted a Peace Corps Trainee this week - new class in training. It was fun to look back on that time in our lives - we've come a long way I think! Had dinner together and that was fun....and good food! Weds. a.m. we all went down to PH to start digging our garden - it's been very HOT and DRY (rains have stopped) so it was really work swinging the big hoes....added some manure from our cow pile....we're keeping at it but won't plant till the rains really start (April??). Some people planted after the first rains last week, but seedlings are now dying - very sad. People say you can't depend on the seasons like you used to be able to....

That's it.....pretty slow week. Actually, it was kind of nice for a change. The heat really makes it hard to do too much. We dig at 6:30 a.m. and now have the soil all worked up.

Hope you are all well and Spring is starting....thanks for the wonderful letters and packages and for your thoughts and prayers! Means so much.

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