Tuesday, January 12, 2010

COS Conference - January 14, 2010

This will be a short blog. I've been at the Close of Service Conference since Sunday night and it's been wonderful. The resort - Jinja Nile Resort - is lovely (check the website - you'll be impressed). We overlook the Nile (been doing a lot of that lately)....the rooms are enormous and very comfortable. Showers are HOT and food is great! We have lots of fresh vegetables, even lettuce, and a fabulous dessert table that specializes in chocolate! It will be tough to leave - I don't even feel like I'm in Uganda! I think I've even cleared my pores of the ever present red dust for a few days.

In session, we talk mostly about Readjustment (re-entry), jobs and resumes', interviews etc. It's well done. Guess many returning PCVs have a hard time coming back to America - too much commercial excess, no one really can understand their experiences, all parties have changed and things will never be the same..... It's a bit scary I have to admit. I wonder if I'll miss the chaos of Providence Home - I'm sure I'll miss the people, but we've done this before. I doubt I'll return, but you never know.

It's great to be spending time with all the other PCVs- there are 45 of our 60 left. Some have really done great things. A few are extending in Uganda for a year (hardy souls). Many are traveling for awhile and then going to Graduate School in the fall. Some are hoping to find jobs - a few are starting now, but most plan a month or two (or more) of just relaxing, visiting and soaking in the American life (and adapting to reverse culture shock). I'm rooming w. Sandy, an older volunteer, who is leaving early because her site has really been difficult. I'm SO grateful for Providence Home!!

My departure date is set as March 26 - so should be home March 27 barring airline problems....It's exciting to have an actual date. LOTS to do before then - reports, forms, physical, dental - not the part I'm looking forward to and will have to spend more time in Kampala than I like, but it's short term.

Long session this afternoon - our goods and bads about PC Uganda - now to get out for a bit to the pool before we all go back to site tomorrow.

Again, thanks for all your support, prayers and interest. It makes ALL the difference.

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