Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday/Friday - Sept. 18-19

Shari got the internet working at RASD so thought I'd add to the one I did Weds. in Mukono so the next one doesn't get so long....or I could just be less wordy! Rather give my $ to RASD anyway!!

The matatu ride home Weds. was a riot - they usually are entertaining. Met a stalled matatu outside Mukono so picked up a bunch of people (I wasn't going to complain since it wasn't our matatu that died!). Then in Kisoga (1/2 hour from Nkoko) they put on an old lady who had to be carried and was blind. I greeted her in Lugandan (Oli Otya, Nybo - how are you madam) and she started hitting me!! Her daughter grabbed her arms, but it was a shock - me in a few years!!!

Are waiting till next Monday to start classes (week late)..only 7/23 kids are here! We start Monday if it's still only 7 - I'm ready to go and they ones here are bored! Thursday I worked cleaning out more CBR files and went over Didas' purchases of leather (smells great) and did the shoe books. Went home for lunch - I got an avacado in Kampala (don't see them in Nkoko - out of season) and had my favorite guacamole in a chipati. Another new favorite (when there's yogurt in Nkokonjeru) is a banana smoothie - yogurt,banana and honey - yum! I'll bet Theresa is thinking I really have it good compared to her time in the Congo '82-'84! I do!! Cell phones, internet, packages full of goodies, electricty and running water - pretty plush!

It rained really hard and was very windy while I was home for lunch - then got hot and humid. I went down to PH to clean up the classroom and put up my new posters. The little kids saw me and wanted to color (P-3 and below get out at 1:00). Had to run (literally) home and get the stuff - didn't know what they would do alone in the room for long (about 20 kids). We had a lot of fun - they love colors, markers, coloring books, rulers, stickers, drawing on paper - Spent 2 hours coloring and reading - fueled by Tootsie Rolls (thanks Mary). And a big thanks to everyone who's sent supplies and books - they are well used!!! Found out that markers w/o tops last a long time in zip lock bags!

Listening to BBC the US economy sounds bad - Seems like the banks want to be bailed out! Not sure about taxpayer $ going to help someone who's made bad business decisions....doesn't realy encourage better business practices does it?

I went for a walk before dark and Moses was looking for me all over town (didn't take my phone). His brother's little girl is not doing well at the hospital here (the burned girl) and they decided to take her to Katelemwa in Kampala on a matatu!! Moses wanted a referral letter from PH which means we are responsible for the bill. I was torn on this one. It will be a long stay and expensive. jWe had talked last week about establishing a policy to limit PH's sare of the cost of any one child - maybe 200-300,000 shillings - that would get people started (they won't do a surgery w/o 150,000 down). We could help more people that way and also it wouldn't all be free. We decdided to discuss it at our next monthly meeting - but this is Moses' family and family is everything in Africa. Again, such hard decisions and no guidelines. I gave him the referral, of course, and we'll see what happens. The father looked so desperate and so sad. Only the mom will go - too expensive for both plus there are other kids. I wonder what she will do w. the baby? It's really makes you appreciate what we have in the U.S. Cannot imagine that little girl on a matatu...hope they load her up w.painkillers. They have to change at the taxi park, too!

Time to end - hope all are well. Will send again next week. Got some great pictures of the family up at the lake in August.....they look so good!! Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.....despite missing home I'm doing well. Busy weekend w. Holly's cooking class tomorrow and the village outreach on Sunday so it will go fast. Then school on Monday!

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