I started this and then the computer went off - and w/o saving - fortunately I wasn't too far. You just re-group and move on. I'm getting better at it!!!
Called yesterday to wish Emma a Happy Birthday (she wouldn't talk to me - not a morning person)...but Gail said it was -4!!! It's HOT here - around 90 and very dry and dusty - eyes, throat, etc. all full of dust! UGH. My toe is much better and I finished the antibiotic w/o any stomach problems (yet) - YEA! So there's good and bad (as everywhere).
This will be long - sorry - going from Thursday to Saturday (today) - you can skim. I'm keeping the record mainly for myself. If I didn't have my handy notebook to record every day I'd never remember what I did! I keep a journal too, but that's more personal stuff.
So, onward. Last Thursday I was a the PC office - Got back and Sr. Juliet had sold the big male pig for 250,000 shillings ($125). But she took 50,000 out because one of the noviates had a very sick father who needed medicine (47,000)...I was a tad annoyed since the pigs need food, but what can you do? Next day I got an e-mail from Corky about a $250 donation; I got the 500,000 shillings and gave it to Sister and told her that God had multiplied her good-hearted donation times 10!! She was so happy - and rushed off to say a rosary! And saved her from borrowing from me to send the kids back to the Special Needs School in Kenya (and many other things).
On Friday, Becky and I took two boys, Simon and Edward to the eye clinic at the Jinja Hospital...both are in wheelchairs. We got there at 8:30, and got a good spot in line (and they kept to the numbers they handed out -YEA). Dr. came at 10:30, but that's O.K. Simon had an eye inflamation and Edward needs an exam for possible glasses. No meds in the hospital pharmacy so Becky and I went into town to get them (and shop and have lunch - truck went on to the Kenya school so we had lots of time). We did buy the boys lunch when we got back - more substantial Ugandan fare. Both boys are in wheelchairs and the hospital is not handicapped accessible - quite a job!!! Truck didn't get back till 5:30.
P.S. Becky has a blog that she does daily (when there is power)...www.beckyrainbowinuganda.blogspot.com - if you want a different perspective. She has an individual internet connection on her laptop and is very dilligent about writing and adds a picture a day. Becky is trying mightily to organize the infirmary - she's determined!!! Hopes to repaint it too!
Never thought I'd say it but I'm ready for school to start (of course I''m not teaching). This holiday is too long - 2 months - and all the kids left are so off schedule it's chaos...no one wants to work anymore. Most of the older kids who are leaders are gone, too.
Saturday I washed and cleaned and Sr. Juliet and I finally finished the Hilton Grant Application - lots of little pieces cut and pasted (literally) to the application!!! That's what they said to do in the directions! Crazy! Sister Juliet has been to the Regional Office in Kampala twice to get advice from the Sister in charge of Projects and she asked if there'd ever been another application for Hilton (which is ONLY for Roman Catholic Sisters who work w. the poor) - Sr. Margaret said yes, some years ago, and it was approved, but the money was "lost" - wouldn't elaborate - lost, as in money transfer, taken by another organization - too scary to contemplate!
Sunday was really slow - I'm getting slower and slower. Got called down to PH to sell a pair of shoes, got the milk money from Oketch (kid taking care of the cow); he's really not interested in the cow and production is still down. There's a new man starting next week, thankfully! Cut some grass for the chickens and found out there were two new pigs!!! Sister bought a new male from a departing priest and he sent along a female he's having trouble getting pregnant - guess he thought he could let it live at our piggery till it got pg - not going to happen!!! (although it is now Saturday and the pig is still there eating for free - they keep saying they are "coming" to get her). Have to keep repeating, "it's not my problem...I'm handing it all off" - works for awhile!
Monday was a LONG Kampala day...went in w. Sister Juliet. We stopped in Mukono at the Noah's Ark Orphanage - I wanted to say goodbye to Peter (the man from Holland who runs it); he had boxes of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to give us (we could only fit 8 but will get more another time). These are from the U.S. We sat and talked a bit - he's having problems getting any cooperation from the government, Red Cross, UNICEF, etc. despite keeping 120 orphans from all over starting as babies....said he'll just rely on his own donations. It's frustrating, but pretty much par for the course. Maybe those organization work well on catastrophe's like Haiti - I hope so!
Dropped off the computer for repair, went to the Liliane office to pick up a disabled girl (Grace) who is homeless, and then stopped at an organization that works w. displaced refugees. The director had met Sr. J somewhere and now has an older man who came from the Congo years ago and has now had a stroke, and was abandoned by his family. He'll be a handful, but Sr. Juliet said PH would try, if they give some support. Then, found out we had to take the computer elsewhere (virus problem)- traffic is SO bad. After that we went out to Entebbe to give the grant application to Holly's dad who's returning and will mail it in the US so we meet the Feb. 1st deadline, and picked up Becky's good friend, Jen. Jen was here in November when Becky came (she has been in Uganda before and works w. a small charity from the UK) and came back for a week for Becky Birthday (the 26th)!!! It was all a surprise for Becky! She'd texted me 2 weeks ago and we'd been making plans. After a few more stops we got back to Nkoknjeru about 7 and called Becky down for tea...she was really overwhelmed!!!! After that we all went to the farewell party for the Australian Doctor at the hospital - didn't stay long, tho' the music went on till 3 a.m.!
Tuesday was a holiday and a nice slow day. Jen brought me a big box of Marks and Spencer mixed chocolates - heavenly!!! Tuesday nite Becky had planned a dinner party at her apt. for her birthday - really a nice gathering. The Sisters, Nelson, Sula, the Doctor....she'd made a casserole and 2 cakes in Holly's little camp oven!!! (and Jen brought an apple cake). Lots of great food and company.
Wednesday, Jen, Becky and I took the boys back to the Jinja Hospital. Simone's eyes were better after the drops. I took Edward for his eye exam but the person who does them is on leave for a month and (you could guess this)...the key to the cupboard where the equipment is held is with her!!! So we have to come back in a month. Sister sent Juma (a boy in vocational school) home w. us - not sure what the home is like - we just put him on a bus. Great kid - always full of laughs - but also some problem behaviors. I'll miss him and his smile! The three of us muzungus had lunch in town. Then took Simon to his brothers home near Mukono - very nice place. We're hoping that as he gets some basic tools, he can start a small repair "shop" there. Also got to stop for a bit to visit w. Sr. Goretti who's recuperating at a convent near Mukono - she looks good! I miss her a lot.
Dick Murray (Corky's cousin) and his wife Bea, are back in Ethiopia for 3 months and he's coming to visit Uganda Tuesday - I'm excited to show him Nkokonjeru and compare w. his experience in Ethiopia.
Reading Notes from a Small Island (England) by Bill Bryson - hysterical!!! Shariing his thoughts w. Becky and Jen.
Thursday was another marathon day in Kampala - started as a trip to CoRSU for one but people just keep adding on - not sure how they all know the truck is going. It means a later start and lots of stops so we get to the hospital later and have to wait longer, but in Uganda, you can't refuse anyone!!! Dropped Sister J and a dad and girl off at the Blind School in Kisoga to check it out; dropped off 2 Sisters at different spots in Kampala, dropped off a disabled girl trying to get to Soroti for school, stopped again at the Liliane office to drop off Grace, who's coming to PH (we picked her up Monday) but she'd forgotten her school records, etc., then took the boy (and Mubiru who was meeting Sr. Bridget) to CoRSU. The boy's name is Benebwa and he has really bad osteomyletis in his leg. He was on the street and someone brought him to the hospital. Dr. Antonio is treating him, but he had no where to stay (everyone then thinks of PH)...he's a nice kid but really sick right now. He was just there for a review (seen about 1:00) and then we picked up Justine who'd been at the hospital for about a week for review and improved diet - needs protein, but there's precious little in the diet of village people. She is doing very well and her femur is strong enough that Dr. A plans to take off the brace in Feb. We re-scheduled all reviews and pending surgers for Feb. 16 - we'll make that trip efficient (I hope).
On the way back we got the chicken meds, checked on Grace (who was not ready to go and will have to take a matatu), tried to get the computer, but it needs virus protection so we'll have to get that another day (waiting was out of the question - several hours and we were all - esp. those in the back - slowly roasting alive). We stopped at a really bad part of town for Benebwa's little bag of belongings and then in Mukono for Justine's meds before dropping her off WAY back off the road - and back to PH dusty and tired!!!
Becky and Jen had moved her to the apt. next to me. She had to leave her big apt. because a couple is coming for a year and is now my next door neighbor!!! I was listening to Becky and Jen talk in the truck Weds. and think one thing I really miss is the easy conversation of people who have known each other a long time and know each others history and families! It's to be treasured!
Friday was a slow day (thankfully)...it's too hot to move very much. Our banana suckers look parched - may have to water - UGH! Sat in for awhile on a class Cheshire is holding at PH for teachers in the area. It deals w. teaching disabled children, and is the 3rd in a series, but they are teaching them the Braille alphabet!!! Incredibly complex and I left - we have a Braille Bible at PH and I shared w. them Genesis and Exodus. They were amazed at all the little dots so close together and the bulk of the books!!! Sort of an exercise in "hands on" which is what they should be focusing on in teacing slow students!
Holly fell running and scraped her hand badly so I wrang out the last of her laundry and visited, bought "groceries" and retired to read. Went for a walk w. the Australian Dr. and Holly after 6 when it was a bit cooler, but you just drip sweat!!!
Now am in Mukono at the internet cafe and you have mercifully come to the end of the week's "adventures". After Dick's visit I'm on a strict schedule to get all the PC paperwork done and clear out my stuff to leave. Nice thought! It's been a great time, but I'm tired and ready to come home. Miss everyone!!!
Thanks again for everything - hopefully, Gail will have some pictures soon - sent a CD awhile ago and then my camera card w. Holly's dad. See you all soon.
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