Saturday, April 11, 2009


Friday was the official one year point at site - our COS (Close of Service) Date is April 9, 2010. At 6 months I was just hoping to make it a year - who wants to go home between November and March? But now think I can make it - we'll see!!! Sorry this blog is long - it's a week and a half and it's been a busy time!!!!

For those of you who were sad when my bike was stolen, cheer was returned. Wednesday nite about 9 p.m.there was knock at my door and a man (one of Holly's volunteers and someone I know well) was there w. two little boys (8 & 10?) who said they "found" my bike and were returning it...I gave them a reward, but later learned that they don't go to school and are known thieves in the area so they probably took it. Our guess is that when they heard the announcement at Market Day they figured it was too "hot" to ride or sell!!! Sister Victoria had seen them in the compound that day and chased them out. Holly thinks they took the lock apart by digging out the plastic w. a nail...Oh, well, it's back (YEA).

My gosh, a whole week and a half ago. That Thursday (4/2) was the Orthopedic Clinic and the Epilepsy Clinic....quite the day. It was raining in the am and people were slow to come, but they came...had 21 to see the Orthopedic Doctor (Dr. Antonio)and 55 at the Epileptic Clinic (plus the nurse brought 9 students to observe - w/o warning again). Our work crew was fabulous! Both groups were very happy w. the organization and turnout. I do little - I'm the "gopher" and questions answerer (as best I can). We were registering for the ortho clinic under the big jackfruit tree and Sr. Benna had hired a guy w. a chain saw to cut up firewood about 50' away - it was LOUD - such ambiance! Holly brought down a 16 year old from the hospital w. severe osteomyletis in her r. femur and the Dr. wants to do surgery ASAP!!! Mother has no money to send her (father left the family when the girl went into the hospital because the mother sold off their animals to pay - sorry guys). There are 6 more children at home now staying w. her sister.

Friday afternoon I went to Kampala, did some shopping and had a lovely dinner w. some other PCVs, and one mom from America!!! Ate lots that day - chicken ceasar salad, cheesecake, pizza - great stuff. Saturday I ventured out to a small town to meet the children sponsored by Jane from the U.K. who wrote to me (she found my blog and gave it a shot). Got to their school and had a good visit. There is one in nursing school in Kampala and 3 in Secondary in Lugo - the older girl comes home every weekend...the parents are gone and no extended family. I took pictures to send her!

Palm Sunday they started the service in the convent and and we all walked (w. palms) to the chapel...very impressive, but they read the WHOLE passion - phew! We had visitors from Holland (Bake for Life) - two really great couples. One of them had gotten 300 Euros from a friend to help a child in Africa who needed medical care (no problem finding one). I thought immediately about Holly's girl....Sr. Veronica took us up to the hospital to see her and her mom and they loved her. SO, she's going to get her surgery (YEA)!!

The Holland group was off after noon - these people are SO passionate about baking and starting bakeries in Africa - and Sr. Veronica is their manager of choice!!! I had to call Holly right away to tell her about the donation!! The girl is very undernourished - her hemoglobin was 2!!! She had given up and was in a LOT of pain and wasting away.

On Monday Sr. Juliet called Dr. Antonio and we got her scheduled for surgery Tuesday - plus another little boy who'd burned his hand on a live electrical wire and needed to been seen ASAP.

Joepsh finished the piggery Monday! (YEA) We still will cement the walkway but will use someone else - the building is SO nice - he did do a good job! Sent Gail a CD last week w. some pictures and will send more - now to research pig breeds, feeding and medication costs. Limiting the number of new pigs to the money at hand minus the cost of feeding and treating for 6 months! So maybe 3 new pigs. We have four left but they should be sold off soon. Will "move in" in two weeks when the cement is fully hardened.

In the afternoon Sr. Juliet took me out to see 34 acres a distance away that PH owns but can't afford to's just bush and people have been making charcoal on it w/o permission....looks to me like a bulldozer is called for, but if we get it worked up it will just be manual labor!

Tuesday we took the two children to the new orthopedic hospital and got them admitted for surgery. Moses came along to translate and see the hospital - he's such a day brightener! The driver, Sula, is fun, too. I had a nice talk w. Dr. Antonio and also w. Dr. Andrew, the plastic surgeon about another girl at PH. Did my "muzungu stubborn" to get access - sometimes it helps! Most Ugandans see Doctors as unapproachable and rarely ask any questions!!!

During the day I got a call from Maria about Easter (she's coming!!) and from the bursar at Stella Maris who wants 43 pairs of shoes made! Never a dull moment!

Wednesday, things got crazier (possible?). Sorry if this blog is so random - I keep notes day to day and it's the only way I can remember and narrate! Wednesday a.m. I started out quietly organizing the CBR files from last week's clinics. Fred came and wants to pave the walkway in the piggery NOW but I said we have to wait till Sister starts a small project so we can share loads of sand and stones (not that I'm trying to be economical - I just can't think about it now - sort of a Scarlet O'Hara moment). The Bursar came from Stella Maris and agreed to our price and terms (YEA), but we need 1/2 down to get materials and start...he said that was possible but would take a few days. I think we'll get Simon (graduated) back temporarily to help Didas. Poor's a big project and he's home in Kbale this weekend because the house he was constructing there (his wife is there - very common in Uganda for couples to work apart) collapsed in a rain storm 4/1.

Then Nelson called and said I should come to the office right away. Sr. Juliet was gone but Srs. Sara and Benna were there w. Nelson and a mom with a severely malnourished 2 year old and a 4 month old and their mom who'd been at the hospital for a few weeks after another 2 year old (this one's twin) died 3/15/09 at home of malnutrition. Hospital can't help them - their advice was that they go to Kampala to Mulago Hospital for an intensive feeding program. We decided to use some of the Holland $ for them and Nelson and I went to the hospital and got referral letters and made plans for Nelson to take them Thursday. Mom wanted to go home and tell they other 6 kids (oldest 12 - 2 have died) and again, husband left (also common in Uganda). Whew - at 3 p.m. I had nothing crossed off on my "to do" list.

Thursday I went to the hospital at 7 a.m. to see them off and neither Nelson or the mom were there!!! Bummer!!! They got there about 7:40. Unfortunately, for her, Holly was up and I vented on her doorstep!!! BUT, then Sister J. called and asked me to go w. them because we had to pick up the two children at CoRSU since that hospital was closing for the Easter holiday! I really didn't want to at first (that "to do" list was calling!), but am glad I did. Raced down to PH and got Alex (one of the better students) to present my English lesson (see, it's good that I prepare in advance), and talked to Didas about measuring the girls at Stella Maris that day and we took off - the hospital "loaned" us their vehicle and driver - we just had to put in gas. Sr. J. had to go to court that day for a hearing of the men who took the money from the UK optical group - that turned out badly - 9 a.m. hearing; judge came at 1:00; no one had called the suspect to come from prison - - rescheduled - so it was a total waste!.

Nelson and I got to Mulago - it's huge! Think Mayo on one registered, did blood work and the nurses put an IV in the girls (the 2 year old weighed 8 lbs! - 4 mo. old slightly more). Nurses were great. We waited in the lines but when it came to seeing the Dr. we go muzungu treatment - and saw the top guy! Very impressive Ugandan Doctor. In the morning the mom just wanted to take the babies home - I think this is all getting too much for her - it's a HUGE step to go to Kampala and stay knowing her other children and gardens are untended. The mom seems very distant - she has such a vacant look. I tried to place it and thought of the picture of the mom in the classic dust bowl photo - just hopeless! They will stay at the hospital for a month - we gave the mom some money for food for her and X-rays - hope this works (thank you Holland). Had to wonder if we shouldn't have just let her go home and see what happened tho' we are convinced that the 2 year old would have died.

Picked up the kids at CoRSU at 3 (Mulago took only about 4 hours - I thought that was pretty good). Justine (the girl w. the leg surgery) has a huge "halo" in her leg w. pins and she and her mom will stay at PH till they return on Tuesday when the hospital reopens; the little boy and his mom went home - a really cute little kid. They said Justine was eating well in the hospital - maybe hope is restored! She's in a LOT of pain when she moves (and lays still) but made it on the trip on the bumpy roads w/o a whimper!!!She's one tough girl!!! It's still along recovery/PT time, but it should be O.K. in 6-8 months!! (YEA).

Friday is 4/10 - one year - and Good Friday. We got our garden planted in the a.m. and then I walked along w. the Sisters and kids - and many community members - on a Way of the Cross - walked around town and stopped at each taped up sign (they added a 15th station - the Resurrection!). It was really moving - someone actually carried a wooden cross and they sang - Sr. asked me to read the 3rd Station - quite an honor I thought! Our kids were there on crutches, wheelchairs, etc. I took pictures but they don't do it justice!

Rest of Friday I was finally able to work on the "to do" list - got the math final done and copied, worked w. Nantale to help her w. her walking practice w. her braces on, found some knitting needles in the storeroom for the girls who have someone who wants them to teach them to knit, did e-mails at RASD - just a typical day!!!
Next week is finals - then will do reports and onto re-writing my SPA grant and doing the PC quarterly report (ugh). We have a mid-service conference the last week of April - nice time to unwind!

I hope everyone has a HAPPY EASTER! The Holland girls are boiling eggs for the kids to color; Maria has donated money for a special dinner and is buying candy.
No Easter Bunny - but we'll make do!

After one year of sticking w. me, I really want to thank all of you for your generosity - of donations, packages...but mostly your generosity of spirit. It helps so much to know you're rooting for me and praying for me! Hopefully, I'll make it!!!

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