Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, June 28, 2008 - Post II this week

I did one post on Weds. when I was in Mukono because by Sunday I get really nervous about getting it done, power, connection, etc. But the gods appear to be with me today...we'll see if it sends! Actually, God should be, Sr. Melody and I just sat through a 3 hour Mass at the parish church - celebration of St. Peter and Paul (there's school there of that name) and one of the PH adolescent girls was among a number of adults being Baptized!

Happy Birthday Jesse and Happy One Week Birthday Olivia!!

Sisters Juliet and Veronica left Sat. a.m. for 2 1/2 months at a retreat for their final profession of faith. I was "a bit" panic stricken for awhile, but am getting used to Sr. Goretti - she's been here before and think all will be well.

In the midst of my frenzy to get things done I have to remember the Bible quote of the day (I'm into Proverbs)..Proverbs 19:2 "It is not good to have zeal w/o knowledge, not to be hasty and miss the way". I'm working on the piggery grant and I really need knowledge...have read the books, but need to talk to some local farmers, carpenters! Slow process. Also, Sister Juliet had some figures we needed for the gutter grant (water harvesting), but she didn't get them to me before she we have to search for them. It will all get done - have to try to be not so impatient.

I am getting better tho'. The young man who painted my apt. saw me in the street a week and a half ago and asked if he could borrow my brushes/rollers/putty knife because he had another job. I said "yes" because I don't know how to say "no" (but I'm learning)...then found out he's painting a little shop for the bakery to sell bread etc. in Nkokonjeru so I'm glad I said yes. Anyway, he said he'd have them back in three days (which I now know means 3 weeks)....I'm getting better!!!

This is just Thursday to Sunday and think life (and news) is getting slower - or I'm getting less shocked by things!! English class went well...I think I'm getting into it. Did a bunch of class prep this a.m. and am prepared to split the Math class into Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/Division groups....not quite that simple, but that will do! Holly was not well today - stomach pains...she's a trooper tho'.

Great news: The family that was visiting from Milwaukee has agreeed to sponsor Doreen - YEA - she's crippled (from birth), in a wheelchair, and is 25 so it's hard to get a sponsor. But she's a real sweetie - the only girl in the shoe making class - and despite a lot of back pain always has a smile - plus she's a great contributor in class. My oft repeated phrase...."does anyone have an answer BESIDES Doreen or Jenipher?". It's good to know her tuition is covered - it's really not a criteria for staying, but she was concerned. Maria is helping me work through the considerable paperwork to get some mosquito nets for all the residents at PH...actually her U.S. workplace donated the money but the organization needs information before they send them!! Long form that HAS to be done electronically....which to me (and I told the guy this) cuts out the people who don't have computers and probably really need them! So, the stuff goes to the big NGOs (non-government agencies - they channel most funds)...who, of course, get an "administrative fee"'s frustrating. Maria, saint that she is, is going to take down the information by phone and do the electronic stuff for me since I'm computer illiterate (and can't get it to work on the bakery computer). Silly ?? what's our latitude and longitude? Well, we're not in Iceland!!!

Friday I tried all day to capture Sr. Juliet to go over my many questions before she left. She'd been running around all week....trying to get everyone's school fees paid for this term (or partially paid), spent Tuesday and Weds. with the Kenya group trying to work out the details on the Inclusive Education program, Thursday she took the little girl who appears to be possessed back to the prayer center and Friday she was training two new "gardners" in the far gardens (actually several acres of corn and beans), then went to get a truckload of firewood and had to talk to a large number of people who wanted $$$. And in the middle, the water storage tank on the roof of the sisters' house overflowed and water came through the ceiling in a shower!! We finally got to meet after 6 p.m. prayers - in my apt. where no one else could find her! Got most of the questions answered or at least now know who to go to to get the answers....or lead me to another person to ask!

She won't be back till after the term (Aug. 8) and the new term starting (Sept. 8), so will have to manufacture report cards and get things scheduled for next term. We might add Crafts (have a potential teacher) and a Religion class....and shorten up the 2 hour's too long. Learning as we go!

I washed clothes Friday a.m. to get something done...never sure if my clothes are really clean. I soak them overnight and then swish them a little scrubbing....hang them outside and they smell better!!! Women here scrub and scrub w. lots of soap...I'm not that ambitious!

Bug report: Actually, it's not nearly as bad as I thought...Friday a.m. a big coackroach started down the wall by the table as I was eating breakfast (came in the window)....sprayed him (to death) with DOOM! That's only the 2nd one I've had. Sat. nite there were little mounds of flying ants dying on my floor after they lost their wings (like the mayflies)...but swept them up and that was that. It's really not bad! Few ants, but I have to keep things in plastic containers or zip locs.

There is another visitor here from Milwaukee - her name is Jean and she and her husband have been here before - she's 59 and staying at the convent. Very nice lady - will be here two months. She said her goal this time was to increase fire danger awareness, especially at the boarding schools! It's a big issue since the big fire that killed 20 in Kampala in May. Last time she created a library at St. Peters but she said that the M bag rate has tripled in the past year so no more books!

Saturday Shari, Holly (a little better but going to see the PC nurses on Monday) and I went to a nearby High School (up the hill) for a competition they were having among their students....drama, singing, and speeches...theme was "corruption"...some were very impresive...took my little friend Proscovia (11) and another girl. Left about 1 but Sr. Melody and I went back later to see some of the dancing.

Sr. Goretti's job started when the truck carrying Sr. J and V left...people who Sr. J had refused came and asked her for $$$!! Big "girl fight"...biting and all. Sr. G disciplined both of the girls and one packed up her stuff, put it out on the sidewalk and said she was leaving and going to live on the street (she didn't). Sr. said "O.K" head!

At the Hilltop festivities I was sitting by a man who teaches English/Literature there - he's Kenyan and has a cousin at a college in Minnesota...he didn't know which one but bet it's SW State - they get a lot of Kenyans (and Nepalese)....but she got married in the U.S., brought her mom over, and is staying!! He recommended some books by African authors if anyone is interested (if you want you can send some my way if you get one to read)...
The River Between - Ngugi Wa Thiongo (Kenyan)..he wrote Petals of Blood which I read - thanks to Dick Murray - very good)
Weep My Child - Ngugi Wa Thiongo (kenyan)
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe (Nigerian)
My Life in Crime - John Kiriamiti (Kenya)
Song of Lawino - Okot P'Bitek (Uganda)
No Longer at East - Chinua Achebe (Nigerian)

Just some suggestions...he was really nice. Said they read Pride and Prejudice and other American books. Asked me if I'd get to vote in November and who I was going to vote for...dodged that one as an "undecided".

Hope this sends w/o's always a crap shoot. For the early part of the week you have to see the Weds. edition. I sort of like doing it this way - less time sitting, but you never know when you'll have access. Next Sat. I think I'm going to Kampala - a PC reunion/Frisbee tournament....I'm going more to shop, but it's a good excuse. Shari has a contingent of students coming from Duke University on Friday to her organization and is having a Friday nite 4th of July celebration - plans are uncertain but doubt it will include Matoke. I'll donate fruit!

Hope all you are well and enjoying the summer - I forget it's summer and almost the 4th of July! Pretty soon will be Kolacky Day (will miss the softball tournament but not much else). Thanks for all the letters, packages, thoughts and prayers. It continues to go well.....lots of projects in the works, but I'm pacing myself....."not to be hasty and miss the way". Proverbs are really full of practical advice...good stuff!!

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